Debunking Myths About Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds have gained significant attention in recent years, yet several myths and misconceptions persist. Here, we debunk some of the most common myths about lab-grown diamonds:

1. Myth: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Not “Real” Diamonds

Fact: Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds. They have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as mined diamonds. The only difference is their origin. While natural diamonds form over billions of years under high pressure and temperature deep within the Earth, lab-grown diamonds are created in a laboratory using advanced technology that replicates these natural conditions.

2. Myth: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Not as Durable

Fact: Lab-grown diamonds are just as durable as mined diamonds. Both types of diamonds score a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness, making them the hardest known natural material. This means they are highly resistant to scratches and suitable for everyday wear, just like mined diamonds.

3. Myth: Lab-Grown Diamonds Have Poor Resale Value

Fact: The resale value of diamonds, whether lab-grown or mined, varies widely and depends on factors like quality, market demand, and individual buyer preferences. Historically, the diamond resale market has favored mined diamonds, but this is changing as awareness and acceptance of lab-grown diamonds grow. It’s important to note that most diamonds, regardless of origin, do not appreciate significantly in value and are often purchased for their sentimental rather than investment value.

4. Myth: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are All the Same

Fact: Lab-grown diamonds, like mined diamonds, come in a variety of qualities. They can vary in terms of the 4 Cs: cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. This diversity allows buyers to select lab-grown diamonds that meet their specific preferences and budget, just as they would with mined diamonds.

5. Myth: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Cheap Imitations

Fact: Lab-grown diamonds are not imitations; they are genuine diamonds. Imitation diamonds, such as cubic zirconia or moissanite, differ significantly from both lab-grown and mined diamonds in terms of composition and properties. Lab-grown diamonds undergo rigorous testing and certification processes, similar to those for mined diamonds, to verify their authenticity and quality.

6. Myth: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Environmentally Harmful

Fact: Lab-grown diamonds are generally considered more environmentally friendly compared to mined diamonds. Diamond mining can have significant environmental and ethical impacts, including habitat destruction, water pollution, and human rights concerns. In contrast, lab-grown diamonds have a smaller carbon footprint and are often produced in controlled environments that minimize environmental harm.

7. Myth: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Easy to Identify

Fact: Distinguishing lab-grown diamonds from mined diamonds requires specialized equipment and expertise. To the naked eye and even under a jeweler’s loupe, lab-grown diamonds are virtually indistinguishable from their mined counterparts. Only sophisticated tests conducted by gemological laboratories can reliably differentiate the two.

8. Myth: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are a Passing Trend

Fact: Lab-grown diamonds are becoming increasingly popular and accepted in the jewelry market. Their ethical and environmental benefits, combined with advancements in technology and consumer awareness, suggest that lab-grown diamonds are here to stay. Many reputable jewelers now offer lab-grown diamonds alongside mined diamonds, reflecting their growing acceptance.


Lab-grown diamonds are real, durable, and diverse, offering a viable alternative to mined diamonds. While they share the same beauty and properties as natural diamonds, they come with additional benefits such as ethical sourcing and environmental sustainability. Debunking these myths can help consumers make informed choices and appreciate the true value of lab-grown diamonds.

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